Darren and I tried an 18 km range test today with the n920. Amazingly, we had success with just the rubber ducky antennas, and down to 250 mW transmit power on both ends! He was up near this winery, and I was on the fifth floor of Yahoo! building D.

At first we tried the new Yagi, but it didn't seem to work (at all). We were astonished to get a link with just the whip antennas. They didn't even have a proper ground plane, just being stuck out the side of the plastic boxes I had put the gear in (and pointing upward).

Using the ATS123? command to query the receive signal strength, Darren had -88 dBm, I had -105 dBm (measurements varied, but I think that was at 250 mW). I tried sending a file to myself via loopback, < 1 KB in length, which failed the first time and succeeded the second. A 131 KB file failed, and I didn't try it a second time. I could see it dropped stuff from within the file. We'll have to investigate exactly what went on. Are the radios full duplex? How big are their buffers? It seemed to send the entire file before receiving anything, but that could've been an artifact of PortTermX.

Interestingly, the Yagi didn't seem to offer much. It was also nearly impossible to hold while operating the computer. Next time, we need to put it on a stand of some kind.

Hopefully this weekend we'll try a much longer range test, from the winery to Coyote Hills.